Pink Eye In Goats

Infectious Keratoconjunctivitis, or more commonly known as pink eye, is a term used to describe a number of diseases that are infecting the animal. If you have ever had to deal with pink eye in any of your animals, you know that it is NOT fun at all. I personally had to deal with it in November (2021), and it lasted for about four weeks. Thankfully, it only spread to four out of the sixteen goats. 

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Whether you are dealing with coccidia or preparing yourself for coccidia in goats, this is the place to be. For the past couple of months, I have been dealing with coccidiosis infecting my goats and let me tell ya.... IT'S NOT FUN!! There are ways to help prevent the spread of coccidia and treatments for this horrible parasitic disease, but once you're dealing with it, it seems like forever before the treatment works. 

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